
Courses Taught:

Biology 204: Organismal Biology
Level: lower division, undergraduate
Sections taught: 2

“Principles of biology applying to all organisms, including systematics and diversity of bacteria, protista, fungi, plants and animals, and concepts of physiology, reproduction, development and differentiation, ecology and the causes of endangerment of a species. Laboratory experiences demonstrate and reinforce concepts and descriptive information presented in lecture through active scientific investigation and experience in observing, identifying, and classifying life, in analyzing the structural features of life, and in evaluating their adaptive significance.”

Biology 352: Genetics and Evolution
Level: upper division, undergraduate
Sections taught: 5

“Principles of population genetics and evolutionary biology. Divided into three sections: transmission genetics, population genetics, and evolutionary biology.  Weekly activity sections will be used to reinforce the learning objectives using computer activities, worked problem sets, and discussions of scientific papers.  “

Biology 523: Herpetology
Level: undergraduate and graduate
Sections taught: 1

“Evolution, systematics, distribution, and ecology of amphibians and reptiles of the world.”

Tutorials made for Population Genomics:

Biology 624: Population Genetics
Level: graduate
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2

“Theoretical and applied population genetics to include genetic diversity in natural populations, random drift, mutation, gene flow, natural selection, nucleotide variation, and quantitative genetics. Emphasis on data analysis and interpretation.”


Teaching Evaluations








Teaching with Aplysia vaccaria, the California Black Sea Hare gets mixed reactions.